In a desolate dystopian world where humanity has long been extinct, a robot scavenges for parts to rebuild a companion while tending to a treasured oasis - a radiant greenhouse that stands as a fragile testament to the beauty that once graced the Earth. On his journey, he encounters a beetle, forming a valuable friendship. Together, they embark on a journey filled with discovery, bringing hope and connection in the midst of desolation.

BUG | Official Trailer

This animation is the result of a year of dedication and hard work as our graduation project in Animation Design. Together with our team, we joined efforts to bring this story to life, from its conception to the final completion. With the support of our tutor, who later became our executive producer, we have gained recognition in various festivals. Studio 003, our animation studio, was born out of this journey, and we are excited to share this achievement with the audience.
I was responsible for the 3D character design pipeline and scenarios. 
The character's conceptual design evolved based on meetings with the team.
I used Substance Painter to create the materials for the main characters and props.
I used Blender to make the rigs and prepare them to be sent to Unreal Engine 5.
This was the first time I used Unreal Engine 5.
Due to lack of time, I had to learn how to use it as quickly as possible, searching for documentation, forums and tutorials on the internet.

In post production, Davinci Resolve Studio 18 was used for color grading and Adobe Premiere Pro for sound and final rendering.

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